Medi-Cal Mức Nghèo Liên bang dành cho Người cao niên và Người Khuyết tật là gì ?

What is Aged and Disabled Federal Poverty Level Medi-Cal?

Aged and Disabled Federal Poverty Level Medi-Cal provides free, full scope Medi-Cal services for disabled or aged individuals who meet the income and asset requirements of the program. Blind people are also eligible, but must be determined disabled.

To qualify for the Aged and Disabled Federal Poverty Level Medi-Cal, an individual’s monthly total countable income (minus a Maintenance Needs Allowance and any health, vision, and dental insurance premiums) must be less than $1,563 ($2,106 for a couple).

Does what I have in the bank and/or what I own, such as my home or car, affect my eligibility for Aged and Disabled Federal Poverty Level Medi-Cal?

Yes. You are allowed to have assets up to $130,000 in value ($195,000 for a couple). Some of your assets, like your home and car, are not counted for this program. Click here for a list of additional exemptions.

Assets may include:

  • checking and savings accounts;
  • the value of stocks, bonds, and trust deeds;
  • additional cars or recreational vehicles; and
  • promissory notes and loans that are payable to you.

Note: If your disability began before you turned 26, you can open an ABLE account where over time you can save up money and not have it counted by Medi-Cal. Learn more about ABLE accounts.

The following items do not count as resources:

  • The home, and any adjoining land
  • Household goods and personal effects that have a total value of $2,000 or less
  • One car if it is: necessary for employment, or necessary for medical treatment, or modified for use by a disabled person, or it provides necessary transportation to perform essential daily activities, or has a current market value less than $4500
  • Property of a trade or business that is essential for self-support
  • Non-business property which is essential to self-support
  • Resources of a blind or disabled individual necessary to fulfill an approved PASS
  • Certain stocks held by Alaskan natives
  • Life insurance, if the total face value of all policies on one person do not exceed $1500. Otherwise, the cash surrender values of life insurance policies will count as a resource
  • Restricted allotted Native American lands
  • Payments or benefits paid under other Federal statutes
  • Disaster relief assistance
  • Burial space of any value, and burial funds up to $1500
  • Title XVI (SSI) or Title II (SSDI) retroactive payments for 6 months
  • Housing assistance
  • Earned Income Tax Credits
  • Nine months of payments received as compensation for expenses or losses suffered as a result of a crime
  • Nine months of reallocation assistance

Resource Limit

The maximum amount of resources you’re allowed to own while maintaining eligibility for a particular disability benefits program. Most benefits programs do not count everything you own, including the home you live in and one car you own. For Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the first $100,000 in an ABLE account is not counted as resources. For Medi-CalCalFresh (formerly Food Stamps), and some other programs, none of the money in an ABLE account is counted.

  • Also called an “asset limit.”
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